
Ağustos, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

İmplementation of İmpedance Matching by AWR Microwave Office

İmpedance Matching is very important for maximum power transfer. How can I  make impedance matching? 1-) Capacitor and İnductor. 2-) Stub (Single or Double) EXAMPLE1 Design a double stub shunt tuner to match a load impedance ZL=60-j80 to a 50 line. The stubs are to be open-circuited stubs, and are spaced / 8 apart. Assuming that this load consists of a series resistor and capacitor, and that the match  SOLUTİON1 N ormalized load admittance: yL=0.3+j0.4. -> construct the rotated 1+jb conductance circle, by moving every point on the g = 1 circle / 8 toward the load => the first stub : b1 = 1.314 ; b1’= -0.114 => Transform the / 8 section of line by rotating along a constant radius (SWR) circle / 8 toward the generator => y2 = 1 - j3.38 ; y2’= 1 + j1.38  The susceptance of the second stub should be b2 = 3.38 ; b2’= -1.38  The lengths of the open-circuited stubs are then found as l1 = 0.146, l2 = 0.482; l1’= 0.204, l2’= 0.350 load impedance =...